Biblical Archaeology - a look back, a step forward

This section of my blog will address "bones and stones", i.e., all things arachaeological as they may enlighten the
Hebrew Bible , Christian Scriptures, and important events in Church History.


Did Ron Wyatt discover Pharaoh's chariot?

June 6, 2009
Thank you for your question concerning the video production. I will agree that it is nicely packaged. However, the answer to your question is somewhat complicated. But here goes
my attempted to simplify the answer.
It should be noted that the exact route of the Exodus and thus of Mt. Sinai is unknown with any degree of certainty. I will state categorically that I believe that the exodus DID happen (for this is still heavily disputed). But we are not given a detailed map of the journey.

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Ron Wyatt's famed discoveries

June 6, 2009
I recently received an e-mail from a dear friend and serious student of the Bible regarding an "amazing" PPS program created by Ron Wyatt's ministry or friends of Mr. Wyatt. The gist of the presentation is a sensational series of discoveies, with accompanying photos of "evidence" of the drowning of Pharoah's army in the Gulf of Aqaba and the identification of the real "Mt. Sinai in the lands of ancient the Midians.

The question I was asked was "Is this presentation factual?" The following is m...
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High Springs, Florida 

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